This is a case analysis that analyzes the current state of the equestrian trail in Kentucky. The goal of the case analysis is to identify the problems that are associated with making tourism a distinct industry that is capable of generating revenue for the economy and local community. The main aim of this analysis is to prove that the equestrian trail can be used to provide jobs and income for citizens while improving their quality of life. The analysis will identify key problems, critical issues, criteria for solution, resource availability, alternative solutions considered, implementation, monitoring, and control of the plan. This information can be used to guide business decisions for administrators of the equestrian trail and promote economic wealth.
Equestrian Trail Riding: An Analysis The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) aims to diversify and expand Appalachia’s economy by creating new enterprises that improve the quality of life of citizens by providing jobs and helping the community to develop. Berea’s College Entrepreneurship for the Public Good (EPG) was created to offer college students experience and more knowledge in new venture enterprises and nonprofit organizations practices to promote healthy communities. Undergraduate students conducted a questionnaire that was very influential in supporting the notion that tourism should be considered a distinct and industry and be recognized for its positive impacts on the economy. This purpose of this case analysis is to present a plan to implement a marketing and advertising strategy for the equestrian trail. The overarching goal is to bring more business to the tourism sector by reaching customers through various forms of media. The analysis considers critical issues that should be considered when implementing the plan, solution criteria, and the availability of resources. Also, measures for monitoring and controlling the plan are given to ensure that success is achieved and maintained.
Identification of the Problem There is a need to expand Kentucky adventurism tourism. Buckley (2000, 2004); Travel Industry Association of America (2005) states, “Adventurism has grown rapidly in recent years as outdoor creation has become increasingly commercialized” (as cited in Hackbert & Lin, 2009). Also, the Adventure Travel Trade Association has reported that the growth in the adventure travel industry is very optimistic over the next 5 years which is associated with the shift in American family travel. Traditionally, family travel consisted of the typical nuclear family which included the father, mother, and children. Currently more family trips are being booked that include grandparents and other extended family members such as aunts, uncles, and cousins. When out of state tourists visit attractions, money is spent in the local community both inside and outside the facilities they visit. Therefore, this new money creates income and jobs for residents and the business which promotes healthy economic development (Hackbert & Lin, 2009). The central problem is that tourism is not recognized as an official and distinctive industry in the Appalachian region. This is because policy makers propose that the tourism industry will cause double counting if it is distinctively separated. Another problem is policy makers question that economic development and tax base enlargement that can be gained from tourism. Previous studies have indicate tourism as a means of increasing tax revenues but argue tourism as a contribution to sources and jobs of and income that directly improve the quality of life of residents (Hackbert & Lin, 2009). The third problem is that the details of methods used affects economic estimates. It is necessary to identify the critical issues to develop criteria for a solution, assess resource availability, propose a solution, and guide implementation.
Critical Issues A critical issue is to build the value of equestrian trail riding in