My values are distinctive than others around me, which makes me see other cultures differently. I see my values as more as an individual perception. In the concept of Equality vs. hierarchy, we see the Equality is more of a “style” of individuality and personal control. People see equality as being “ Self- directed, freedom to challenge those in power, men and women treated the same, and being flexible and bending the rules. In the other, the hand Hierarchy style is more of a concept of those who are in control should stay in control and shouldn’t be a question. In the Hierarchy style people “take directions from those above, respect others and not challenge others, expect men and women to act differently, and enforce regulations and guide lines.” (Peterson 37) My value follows the side of equality. This notion was how our nation was born and why our constitution was ratified because Equality. We demand individualism and liberty. We see cultures all over the world with a hierarchy society such as “India” separately in a perception that groups and societies like those are controlled too much. Are values are important to us and we see ourselves as independents. We challenge authority when it has to much power and knows not what its doing.
In the concept of direct vs. indirect there’s a major difference in the issues that direct is more of a western ideology of people who prefer to be more “ direct in speaking to others, confront issues, communicate more straight forward, express views or opinion in a frank manner, and saying thing more clear so that it won't have any interpretation” ( Peterson 40). Numerous of other cultures prefer to communicate more indirectly meaning “ they express concerns tactfully, avoid conflict, express views or opinions diplomatically, and avoid any type of difficulty.” (40) In western countries, we see our values more of getting in your face and being taught or express our thoughts compared to other countries. If I was working in my business and I had an opinion in any matter of subject, I would most likely argue the matter and express my feeling and options towards it. I wouldn’t use harmony or ignore the problem to satisfy others like other “Asian Cultures.”(Peterson 40) My values will prefer to be direct by getting straight into the point, express my opinions and confront necessary issues. The Asian culture uses indirect communication therefore we see them as more polite and civil than ourselves. Individuals and groups are significantly different than each other, individuals such as myself, choose to work or socialize “ take the initiative, focus on themselves, judge people on individual traits, make decisions, and put individuals before the team."(Peterson 46) Our values we see that it’s important to work as an independent “working style.”