Executive Summary Our company is a medium size cabinetry manufacturing company, looking for software to improve supply chain management system. I was asked to find a RFP that fits in our requirements and situation. After doing some research on the internet, I have an overview of RFP. “A Request for Proposal (RFP) is the primary document that is sent to suppliers that invites them to submit a proposal to provide goods or services. Internally, an RFP can also be referred to as a sourcing project, a document, or an associated event” (Wheaton, 2008). Basic on the requirements provided by the company, three reliable RFP for SCM were found by the research on the…show more content… “The maximum obtainable number of points specified for each evaluation criterion indicates the relative significance or weight of the item in the overall evaluation process” (Bangash, 2010).The report with highest total value will be selected as the company’s final proposal. 2) HSCN’s RFP contains large information about evaluation process. Proposals will be conducted in six stages by the evaluation team, and each stage represents requirements for each aspect (Appendix B). The company sets a strict rule for the requirements of proposal: “The minimum is set at approximately 2/3 of the overall points allocated for each stage, and a Proposal that fails to meet the minimum score for a single stage is disqualified” (Healthcare Supply Chain Network, 2012). 3) WinWinD’s RFP offers a basic overview of evaluation and criteria by listing the rights of the company. The criteria section is lack of detail descriptions, and the whole evaluation system remains in the initial stage. Personal evaluation: By comparing these three RFPs, both UNDP and HSCN perform their best to operate the evaluation system. UNDP uses tables and forms to operate its evaluation while HSCN uses stages to describe the requirements of proposal. I prefer UNDP’s RFP because it contains formula to calculate the weighted score of evaluation technique, which makes the evaluation system professional. Business Requirements 1) UNDP’s RFP offers limited business