Enron's Business Ethics Failure Essays

Words: 1463
Pages: 6


1. Overview ............................................................................................3

2. The Fall of Enron ...............................................................................4

3. Enron's ethical dilemmas ..................................................................6

4. Conslucions .......................................................................................7

5. Bibliography ......................................................................................8

1. Overview

The goal of this report is to analyze business ethics in the context of the Enron scandal.
Enron scandal became a classical example of how a major disregard for ethics and law occurred. It

Businesses must want to make ethical choices for the business ethics in order to grow strong. Anyone can hang a code of ethics on the wall, but following it is where the real work starts, and businesses that do not follow it are likely to end up where Enron was when the collapse took place.

3. Enron ethical dilemmas

There were several ethical dilemmas that Enron faced when they had difficulties. The first dilemma that Enron faced in the workplace was the information dilemma. In the information dilemma employees reflect on whether they want to tell the whole truth, the partial truth, or a complete lie. ‘Whole truth' and ‘complete lie' are quite straightforward, but ‘partial truth' is something unclear. ‘Partial truths' are categorized as of ‘misinformation'. These are not complete stories, but at the same time they are not totally dishonest.

Companies' nowadays are trying to achieve transparency in the organizational environment. Employees are encouraged to tell the truth, no matter what, and many companies have policies where employees can come to management and tell any truth without fear of losing their job. Employees are being rewarded for their honesty, and managers continue to encourage communication between supervisors and subordinates.

Management is also looking for ways to encourage employees to tell the truth about other employees who may be involved in something dishonest or illegal. Not all