Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the start of a word
Assonance is the repetition of a vowel sound
Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates or suggests the source of the sound that it describes. It is common with animal sounds but has expanded to include sounds made by other sources.
Emotive language
Emotive language is language (in particular adjectives or adverbs) that relate to or refer to emotions ie like ,sad, cheerful
Colloquial language
Colloquial language is language that is informal. This can include words as well as phrases. You might use colloquial language when messaging your friends but not in a formal situation such as writing a letter to a business ie dunno, wanna , doo Whoppers
Slang includes informal (or casual) words that are made up and used by cultural groups ie g’day mate, barbie
Jargon is particular words that are used and understood only by people who are experts or specifically involved in different groups. ie. Skateboarders- grind, ollie , kickflip
Story with a double meaning: one primary (on the surface) and one secondary.
Repetition of consonants throughout a sentence or phrase.
Any text that instructs the reader or is obviously delivering a moral message.
A conjunction (e.g. ‘but’ or ‘yet’) that dramatically interrupts rhythm of sentence.
A dramatic pause (…) creates tension or suggests words can’t be spoken.
A poetic technique, when a sentence or phrase runs over more than one line (or stanza). This assists the flow of a poem.
Mild expression used to replace a harsh one.
Exclamatory sentence ending in “!” to convey high emotion.
Fractured/truncated sentences
Incomplete sentences used to increase tension or urgency, or reflect the way people speak to each other.
Incongruity, parody, satire, exaggeration, irony, puns etc. used to lighten the overall tone.
Vivid pictures created by words. Reader visualises character/setting clearly.
Neologisms are new words, invented by social or cultural groups
A cliché can be a recognisable word, phrase or a concept that has been used so often that it has lost its impact.
Rhetorical question
Rhetorical questions, mostly used in speeches but occasionally in writing, are questions where the reader is not expected to answer. They are usually questions that make a responder think about a point, or a question that is so obvious that the composer has asked it to make a point