English Language Motivation

Words: 850
Pages: 4

To begin with, Williams and Harmer (2011) state that motivation is a cognitive factor that encourages students to achieve goals. It is evidence that the goal of two of the observed students is learning English; one is the most participatory student who is active during the whole class, and who tries to answer the questions made by the teacher and some of their classmates. Hence, he demonstrates curiosity to learn how to pronounce new words and his attitude has to do with the awareness of the importance that English has in the world we live. The other student is motivated during the first part of the class; he is interested in the topic because he says that he likes cars, but he lost impulse when the teacher assigns them to draw the mind
At least two of the learners have showed autonomy for learning English; they are considered as self-directed trainees on the grounds that they check their notes to participate, and they use some sources as strategies to learn vocabulary. Those strategies are the use of bilingual dictionaries and cellphones to remember the meaning of a word (memory strategies) or to see how to pronounce a word. Regarding the learning strategies, using dictionaries and technology are helpful for the English learning progression. On the other hand, some trainees take advantage of the first minutes of the class to utter simple phrases such as “I like cars” or " I want a car" and to request their classmates how to say a word in L2. On the contrary, some learners show a low level of autonomy since they do not take the risk to participate for improving the speaking skill or for getting feedback on pronunciation. Although they seem to check notes, they never speaks to give their opinion or even to ask for extra explanation. Finally others have their mind in other place. While the teacher turns around to write on the board, they copy something from a notebook which they have on their legs. Also, they ask for copy when the
For this, learners should be self-directed to develop activities and benefit from the opportunities to practice English in and out of classes. Furthermore, they must develop their own strategies to learn a language. On the other hand, each learner should have their own instrumental and integrative motivation that provokes them curiosity to discover by themselves the components and features of the language that they are learning; additionally other aspects to consider is the teacher`s actions and the physical environment. It is significant establish rapport before starting a session, give enough input to the learners and implement a procedure like ESA or PPP in order to obtain students’ outcomes at the end of each session. Finally, it is important know how to control disruptive behaviors and called the attention of