English Language Controlled Assessment
Task: Write a piece intended to be on a local radio show concerning an issue of your choice.
Welcome back, guys! It’s your local radio show host Stephen here today to discuss a hot new topic. This topic has recently been bought to light tin the news and is one to remember. It has caused major uproar in all parts of the UK and has become a subject close to my heart. Yes, you guessed it! It’s all about the elderly, those old grandma’s and granddad’s we all know and love to bits. However what I would really like to talk about is the very emotionally charged subject, of care homes and how in today’s society it seems that they are no longer a safe place but rather quite the opposite. What do you think?
Hundreds of thousands of elderly people rely on care homes to provide the basic needs that allow them to live independently and relieve the burden of hospitals. However heartless coalition cuts and a sinking morale among staff has plunged the system into crisis, with nearly half the pensioners denied vital help. In my opinion it is a disgrace, but sadly, it is evident that nowadays people are beginning to care less for the elder generation.
There have been a large quantity of news reports on elderly abuse in care homes, identifying physical abuse and neglect as the common forms. The result of these incidents had caused a knock on effect and has left the elderly victims traumatised with their health deteoriating. It’s preposterous that
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