Death Be Not Proud Essay

Submitted By flaco152107
Words: 319
Pages: 2

is the permanent end of life and in certainly religions the began of a new chapter . it is what the authors reflects on their poems "death be not proud "by john Donne and "Because I could not stop for death" by Gwendolyn Brooks. both authors take different points of view about death. in the poem death be not proud the author use symbolism, images and style to criticize to the death in a way that Dickinson is not afraid to the other in the poem i could not stop for death challenges preconceptions that Dickinson's had about death and she use different techniques such as sound ,symbolism and images.

In the poem, Donne is speaking directly to Death as though he is a person. Death be not proud, though some have called thee For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.(line 1-4) The first four lines in the poem is probably the most important about it , because is talking directly to the death in a way that she is criticized the death .many people believe that death is powerful and nobody can do anything against it but for donne is not true because states those people do not truly die because their souls live on in the afterlife. According to Donne and the poem, people who die are only dead their body ,but their soul can live free afterlife and the body take a eternal breakalso he point it out that when someone die is not the end is just the beginning of a new