ENG04 137 Essay

Submitted By xoxohaleyjade
Words: 806
Pages: 4

English 4, Unit 2: Utopia and Dystopia Vocabulary: Words to Know

Directions: Using context clues from the sentences provided, try to guess the meaning of each word. Type the guessed meanings in the appropriate spaces provided. Then, use dictionary.com to listen to the pronunciation and find the meanings of the words as they are used in each sentence. Type the dictionary meanings in the appropriate spaces provided.

1. When he heard the sound of the gun, George winced. Hazel could tell the noise bothered him.

Based on context clues, record your best guess of the meaning of the word wince:

flinching, scared, reaction

2. importunities – 1. persistent or demanding; insistent
2. troublesome; annoying
Now, record the dictionary meaning of the word wince as it is used in the above sentence: give a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of or in anticipation of pain or distress.
2. When Harrison ripped the doors from the hinges, screams and barking cries of consternation could be heard everywhere. People ran around in confusion and fear.
Based on context clues, record your best guess of the meaning of the word consternation: sounds of fear or frightfulness

cries of fear or frightfulness.

Now, record the dictionary meaning of the word consternation as it is used in the above sentence:

feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.

3. The owners seemed to be full of avarice, but the poor workers needed generosity.

Based on context clues, record your best guess of the meaning of the word avarice:

good deed

Now, record the dictionary meaning of the word avarice as it is used in the above sentence:

extreme greed for wealth or material gain.

4. In Utopia, people participate in a secret ballot, so it is not known for whom each person gives suffrage.

Based on context clues, record your best guess of the meaning of the word suffrage:

Right to do something

Now, record the dictionary meaning of the word suffrage as it is used in the above sentence: the right to vote in political elections.

5. cognitive dissonance – refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors.

5. The citizens of Utopia must have the approbation of the priests and senate in order to make certain decisions. If the decision is not supported, the citizen will not receive certain benefits.

Based on context clues, record your best guess of the meaning of the term approbation:


Now, record the dictionary meaning of the term approbation as it is used in the above sentence:

approval or praise.

6. Every day, he knelt down and prayed. He had faith that his supplications about his dying mother were heard. He had even more faith that they would be granted.

Based on context clues, record your best guess of the meaning of the word supplication:

An idea or guess of something thats happened.

7. jocular –fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful.

Now, record the dictionary meaning of the word supplication as it is used in the above sentence:

the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.