Employee Engagement Essay example

Words: 3376
Pages: 14

Contents Page

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Define employee engagement
1.2 Analyse the three principle dimensions of employee engagement (the emotional, the cognitive and the physical)
1.3 Compare and contrast employee engagement with other related concepts; ‘flow’, organisational commitment, job involvement and job satisfaction
3.1 Explain why employee engagement is an increasingly vital dimension of HR polices, strategies and practices
3.2 Evaluate the business benefits likely to accrue from a culture of employee engagement – benefits for the organization, its executives/managers, its workforce and its customers
3.3 Explain the application of employee engagement through job design, discretionary behavior, role autonomy and

Job Involvement A great commitment to the job or position, exercises discretionary effort (physical and cognitive energy to the role) losses oneself in the role (absorbsion) similar to ‘flow’. Not engaged with the organisation as a whole, could lack in emotional engagement, and may not be interested in the organisations values/brand.

Job Satisfaction Totally satisfied in the role and environment. Job meets intellectual needs (cognitive) Is happy with work life balance, level of responsibility and reward. Doesn’t mean that the employee is exercising discretionary effort in the role. Personal happiness, however may not be meeting the needs or requirements of the role or the organisation. Potentially missing the emotional and physical elements required for employee engagement.

As you will see from the above table it is important to address all areas if an organisation wants to achieve employee engagement. One successful concept alone may provide some basis for engagement, but unless combined organisations will not experience the benefit of an engaged workforce and fundamental issues will affect the performance of the organisation. Some example of the possible impacts follow; ‘Flow’ would be where sales man (A) enjoys meeting with new prospective clients and achieves lots of face to face meetings that are really effective at opening