The Different Stages Of Childhood

Submitted By odumsbreeze
Words: 1061
Pages: 5

Paper #2

Life has so many stages when growing up such as infancy, toddler, middle childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. As an infant I believe every child has affectional needs. Birth is a beautiful thing, and holding your child for the first time should be the most exciting and precious thing. When I was first born I had to stay in the hospital for a whole month because I was really sick, and the doctors wouldn’t let me leave until I was completely healthy. My mother said “seeing you that sick scared your father and me to death because we thought you weren’t going to make it, we thought we lost our baby girl.” With me just being born my parents got an emotional attachment to me, because they thought they were going to lose me. When your child is first born the last thing you want to do is lose them especially because you just gave birth to them they haven’t even got to experience life yet. Being told this story opened my eyes because to think that I didn’t almost make it makes me look at life in a totally different aspect. It makes me was to live life to the fullest. As a toddler kids are usually active and alive and just learning how to walk and talk etc. I was a pretty different toddler for some reason I was really quiet and shy. I had a secure attachment to my mother. My mother was the only person I felt comfortable around, because I was under her most of the time. When I started going to my father’s house that’s when my shyness started to really come intact because I was so use to being around my mom it was a huge step for me to get used to being around my dad and that side of my family. Staying over there did help me get over the attachment I had to my mom, and I started to get attached to my grandmother. My grandmother was my everything and also the one to get me to start talking. We had that bond and understanding that it was the time for me to start my talking development. She would teach me words while giving me a bath, and also while feeding me. It was a zone of proximal development when she was teaching me to talk. When my grandmother died I was about 4 years old, and I didn’t really understand death at the time, and I got an emotional detachment because I honestly didn’t know where my grandmother went until I was old enough to understand. The middle of my childhood was difficult. My mom had us moving too much, and I couldn’t get use to one place at all. It was always a constant change as soon as I got comfortable. This honestly messed up my theory of mind because a constant change for a child is not good for the mental health. Moving constantly also gave me a psychosocial dilemma because every friend I made I had to say goodbye to. Barely surviving my troubled adolescence yet I got through it. My teen years of my life was the worst. Way worse than my childhood years, because I was going through puberty and I was just learning so much about myself. Becoming a teenager brought many conflicts and road blocks to my success of graduating high school. Dealing with a parent that was an alcoholic brought many emotions and identity versus role confusion. It was extremely hard to find out who I really was dealing with so many extreme conflicts with an alcoholic mother. One thing I will never forget is my mother coming to my talent show performance drunk, loud, and embarrassing right before I took the stage. That next morning she was crying and apologizing and I thought then she realized how her problem was taking a toll on me. I couldn’t be who I wanted to be because I wasn’t happy with myself or how life was going for me. This problem of hers