Gillian Flynn is most recognized for the way she writes and how all of her three novels revolve around the same theme. No matter what the plot of the story is, her dark, mysterious, and twisted theme always comes out in some way. Gone Girl, Dark Places, and Sharp Objects although all have different stories and situations to them in Flynn’s own way she manages to incorporate her style of writing in each novel. Flynn’s first two books, Sharp Objects and Dark Places, are both mysteries that have a dark cast to them as well. Her latest hit, Gone Girl, is the most different out of all of them and has been the one where she showed her style by using a situation that involved a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary, but of course she turns and twists it into something very different that would never be expected by anyone who would read it. “Her social observations and convincing relationships that outweigh the sometimes outlandish plot turns and over boiled symbolism.” (The Guardian). Along with Flynn developing into her writing style and keeping it constant in her novels, she also states how her being a journalist made her realize and discover exactly what being an author was all about, and without her finding herself there’s no way she could’ve written her novels in the first place. “I could not have written a novel if I hadn’t been a journalist first, because it taught me that there’s no muse that’s going to come down and bestow upon you the mood to write. You just have to do it. I’m definitely not precious.” (The Guardian). Being a journalist for 15 years is something that carried on with her when she made the decision to settle down and start writing in the first place. Clearly it’s something significantly important to her, and without her experience in journalism she may never would have even become a serious writer and into her work. In Flynn’s first novel, Sharp Objects it almost reflects on her own journey she took to becoming a writer. It’s all about the agonizing life lessons a girl goes through and then ends up finding herself becoming a writer. Flynn doesn’t forget to add her physiological twist on it though. The same pain and darkness showed up in her second novel, Dark Places. This story revolves around a childhood family murder and trying to find out who exactly did it. With one survivor,