Essay on Elements That Influenece State Government

Submitted By chandlerboy
Words: 637
Pages: 3

In this paper we will go over the interest group PIRGIM. It will talk about their mission and how they help students let their voice be heard. They help students understand the political process and what steps they can take to see a change in the state of Michigan. The peoples voice is stronger in numbers than one individual. With the citien participation in the election process I will go over what a huge difference it makes to be educated on the election process. How to reach out to your legislator and other fellow Michiganders to help out with your state laws.

PIRGIM PIRGIM is a non-profit, nonpartisan group of students from the University of Michigan that helps students voice their opinions in the political process. They do not have a specific political party they prefer over another, just down and dirty facts of what is going on between both sides. PIRGIM was founded by students at U of M in 1973. It was formed on the basis that students in numbers can put their resources together to make a bigger difference. PIRGIM influence Michigan's government by leading with numbers and student support. According to the PIRGIM website in 2002 members of PIRGIM help win ban on drilling the Great Lakes from the Michigan shoreline. In 2003 students for PIRGIM helps pass the Ann Arbor Green Belt by generating student support. To become a member of this team there is no specific requirements, just show up to the meetings and participate in different campaigns. If you would like to know more you can visit their web site at
Election Process Citizen participation is very involved with the election process. Legislators are representatives of the people, and if they don't keep up with the citizen people than no one will vote for them. As i have talked about in the previous paragraph people in numbers are very powerful. Forming a group to lobby for or against legislation is often more effective than individual efforts. A group is far more visible, has greater resources, and carries more political weight. According to "Organize a group of friends, co-workers, or neighbors around a specific issue of concern to all of you. Define your goals . . . identify tasks that are part of the plan . . . divide the work. (For instance, one person can research available material, another can keep track of the bill, several can attend all committee