Environmental Statement for Port of Southampton:
Southampton Approach Channel Dredge
Appendix A.
Scoping and Consultation
A1. Scoping Study
The scoping stage of an EIA is an important process that is undertaken to identify the potential environmental issues associated with a proposed development and to determine the scope of work required for the subsequent stages of the EIA process. The findings of the scoping study for the proposed Southampton Approach Channel Dredge were presented within a report and sent to the MFA, who then circulated it to relevant stakeholders and interested parties to help inform their formal Scoping
At the same time, the report was advertised on the ABP website
(http://www.southamptonvts.co.uk/pinfo/ChannelScopeRpt.htm) to allow the general public to have the opportunity to comment on the proposals.
To understand the key issues associated with the proposed project and develop the scope of works, initial views were sought through preliminary consultations with stakeholders and interested parties. An initial Scoping Workshop with stakeholders and interested parties was held by ABP on 18 January 2007 to discuss the future options for larger scale developments in Southampton Water and the Solent and the key environmental issues that may need to be considered.
The scoping report was prepared based on the views expressed during the initial Scoping Workshop and a scientific understanding that had been developed from previous similar projects. The scoping report was sent to MFA on 23 July 2007 who circulated it to the relevant stakeholders for comment.
The resultant Scoping Opinion was received from the MFA on 10 January 2008 and is included at the end of this Appendix. Additional comments from organisations that had not been consulted by MFA were sought to ensure all the issues would be addressed in this ES.
The key issues that were identified during the Scoping Study are set out in Table A.1. A summary of the additional issues raised by consultees in their response to the scoping report is presented in
Table A.2. Both tables refer to the relevant chapter(s) in the ES where these issues have been addressed. R/3742/8
Environmental Statement for Port of Southampton:
Southampton Approach Channel Dredge
Table A.1. Summary of work to be undertaken as part of the EIA process
Project Description and
Commercial Rationale
Consideration of Needs and Alternatives
Legal Framework and
Planning Policy
Physical Processes
Water and Sediment
Nature Conservation
Fish and Fisheries
Commercial and
Recreational Navigation
Marine Archaeology
Coast Protection and
Flood Defence
Noise, Vibration and
In-combination and
Cumulative Effects
Outputs from technical design of the channel and details of capital/maintenance dredge volumes and material types.
A navigational risk/ ship manoeuvring study and details of commercial vessel movements as a result of the channel access works.
Preparation of clear methods to minimise the dispersal of suspended sediment during operations.
Review commercial rationale for the project, including an evaluation of the socio-economic benefits/impacts to meet appraisal framework for port developments.
Further details of commercial benefits in a regional and national context in order to understand the commercial alternatives and clarify the economic rationale of the proposal.
Identify options for disposal/alternative use of dredge arisings.
Consideration of legal frameworks within which the EIA is to be undertaken.
A review of the project objectives and its impacts in the context of relevant legislation and non-statutory planning policy and strategic guidance.