Scottish Autism
Application for Employment
Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS or typescript
Personal Details:
|Title: | Mr. Miss. Mrs. Ms. Dr. |
|Surname (s): | |
|Forename (s): | |
|Post Applied for: | |
|Location: | |
|Other locations of interest: | |
|Advert Reference: | |
|(this must be completed) | |
|Address (including post code): | |
|Home Tel/ Mobile Tel/ E-mail Address: | |
| |Home: Mobile: E-mail: |
|National Insurance Number | |
|Have you previously applied to work with|Yes. No. |Please indicate position applied for within the organisation: |
|Scottish Autism? | | |
|Other details |
|Are you British or a national of any EU country? Yes No |
|If not, do you have the right to work in the UK and a current work permit? Yes No |
|If so, please state the expiry date of your right to work in the UK and/or your work permit. | |
|Do you have a full driving licence? |Yes |No |
|Do you have use of a car? |Yes |No |
|Where did you see the advertisement for this position? |
|Do you know anyone who currently works or receives a service from Scottish Autism? Yes No |
| |
|If yes, in what capacity? |
|Do you have a PVG Membership? Yes No |
|Membership No. |
|Is your PVG Membership for Adults only Children Only or Both |
|Have you ever worked for the organisation before? Yes No