Submitted By kumba
Words: 1109
Pages: 5

Kumbah J.Saah-Snorton
NRS- 451V Nursing Leadership and Management
Date March 6, 2015

The storages and the turn -over of nurses is phenomenon that is affecting the nursing profession today in areas like providing adequate and quality care to patients, This storages and turnover is occurring due to the higher demand for the employment of nurses that is exceeding the number of nurses available or the number wanting to be employed at time. (Huber, 2010).The
American Association of The Colleges of Nursing report in 2013 says that this storage is expected to increase due to the increase in baby boomer as the aging population increases. (A.A.C.N., 2013).Registered nurses make up the largest recorded workforce in health care in the United States. The BUREAU of Labor Statistics estimates 2.7% of the workforce comprises of nurses compared to the 3.6% in the last six years. (A.A.C.N., 2013). Nurse are becoming more and more in demand as the availability decreases making it more difficulty to provide the adequate and quality care the patients population needs. This storages and turnover is also causing greater turn over, high calls off, burn out among nurses, inadequate staffing, and higher nurse to patient’s ratios, falls and accidents among the patients and poor nursing care to the patients this is just to mention few of the problems facing this noble profession. This storage is also evidence by the availability of new nurses coming out of school to meet this high demand which is causing staffing storages and nurses working understaff, causing burn out among nurses.
This paper is going to address or discuss the causes of this storage and turnover and also find ways for nursing leadership or management to resolve these problems. The author’s will also discuss their own personal and professional philosophy of nursing as it relates to these issues of turnover and storages in mussing.
Health care and health organizations needs regular full time, dependable, highly efficient, effective, fully involved nursing staffs to provide adequate, quality and efficient nursing care at all levels at all times. This can only be done with strong, highly dependable , well -educated and experiences nursing leadership and management in placed.(Hunt, 2009).The turnover of nurses is describe as the loss of nursing staffs as the result of transfers to other part of the same profession ,terminations, or resignations.(Huber, 2010 pages 598). About $300,000 is estimated as loss by health care organization every year as the result of the turnover of nurses. (Hunt 2009).Some or major causes of nursing turnover are burn out, higher nurse patients ratios, working understaff, increased in work load on the unit, poor leadership style, lock of role clarity, non-recognition for good performances, contributions and capabilities, poor communication from leadership and managers concerning critical issue that affects work on the unit ,lack of career opportunity and advancement, poor team work or no team work at all, bad working schedules and inflexibility that does not match job needs and highly physical demanding job are causes of turnover but these are just a few of the problems. (.Hunts,2009).When even there is high nursing turn over there will also be nursing storages, these both issues has both economic and non-economic imparts. There are several solutions that can be applied to reduce these impacts, such as increasing or providing educational opportunities for staff, like grow your own nurse programs for staff that are interested in becoming nurse, community outreach programs to increased awareness of the nursing profession and educational reimbursement to those nurse and employees that want to becoming nurses and those that interested in advancing their education to take leadership position in the nursing profession. Nurse’s manager/leaders plays a major role in areas like retention of nurses in their organization , career