Education: Olfaction and Taste Essay

Submitted By plss123
Words: 305
Pages: 2

The Human body has five senses that keep in touch with everything that is going on in the external world. These five senses are touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. Furthermore i will describe each sense, and how they work. First taste, the tongue is the body part that helps us sense taste. The tongue consists of taste bud which are (mushroom like projections) which are specific receptors for sense of taste. Each bud contains several cell types in microvilli that project through pores and chemically sense the food. There are gustatory receptor cells that communicate with cranial nerve axon endings to transmit sensation to the brain. There are five taste sensations located on the tongue. They are sweet located front middle, sour located middle sides, salty located front side/tip, bitter located back, and umami located posterior pharynx. The cranial nerves that are associated with our taste sense are VII Facial located within the tongue, IX Glossopharyngeal located within the tongue, and X Vagus located within the pharynx. Taste likes and dislikes have homeostatic value. Taste is affected by many factors, and what is commonly referred to as our sense of taste depends on stimulation of our olfactory receptors by aromas. Then comes Smell, the nose is the body part that helps us sense smell. The nose contains thousands of olfactory receptors which are receptors for sense and smell. When the olfactory receptors are stimulated by chemicals dissolved in the mucus they