Assess the view that the most influential factor on educational experience is on individual’s upbringing.
In the breakfast club there are five high school students, all different stereotypes, they meet in detention, where they pour their hearts out to each other, and discover how they have a lot more in common than they thought.
Different types of social classes have different upbringings and their norms and values differ from the rest .The way you respect your values and what you see as a norm is important whilst growing up and adapting to who you are. Each of the five students represents different social classes.
Material deprivation can affect so many people especially the working class; they have no control over this, and this can affect their educational experience .In the home, an overcrowded house, or cold, damp rooms mean pupils have nowhere quiet to do homework and extra studies to improve their knowledge. Similarly being homeless or living in temporary accommodation may mean frequent moves and changes of school. This all falls back on an individual’s upbringing and how they perform in education depends on this
Education has a massive effect on a students life as we gain secondary socialisation from this .this sometimes alters our primary socialisation but we try to separate the both.
No there are other factors other than an individual’s upbringing .In school the way a teacher portrays an individual can have an effect on the individual. In education teachers will label the individual according to their behaviour, and this is what happened in the breakfast club even over one rebellious act previously. An individual can be given a good label like hard working, being praised constantly or a bad label like disruptive, or a label that makes you feel worthless. Whatever, the label it will become a self fulfilling prophecy. The individual will most likely act as this label and start to believe this label .Teachers as powerful actors in the education system, classify students and by so ding influence the way they understand their role within the school.
Streaming is an extreme and institutionalised form of labelling .It works by putting all pupils of similar ability together in the same class or stream for all subjects ‘bright’ pupils are grouped together in the top stream ‘thick ones in the bottom .Lacy describes streaming as differentiation’- a way of separating the sheep from the goats and then educating them differently, streaming often creates a self fulfilling prophecy.
Douglas found that the IQ of pupils labelled as less able and
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