Education and Interpersonal Communication Essay

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COMM 1004 Interpersonal Communication Instructor Dr. (Doreen) Kandy Simmons Phone 925-726 9178 Office Meiklejohn 3007 Office Hours 1130-12 or after class or by appointment Course description Study of principles of oral communication in different interpersonal contexts. Listening and speaking intended to develop competence in oral communication, using different interpersonal contexts. Required Text Beebe, S.A., Beebe. S.J. Redmond, M.V.(2011). Interpersonal Communication Relating to Others. 6th ed. Boston, MA Pearson Education, Inc. Additionally, students are required to check into Blackboard at least once a week for assignments and announcements. Also check your CSU East Bay email at least once a week. Course Objectives 1. To introduce students to the theories and application of effective interpersonal communication. 2. To provide a constructive environment for students to apply those skills. 3. To assess students understanding of theories of interpersonal communication. 4. To coach students to their interpersonal basic skills use. 5. To help students understand that they have choices in trying to address interpersonal communication issues. Student Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students will Demonstrate understanding of interpersonal communication theories and models as applied to a variety of interpersonal communication situations. Plan and execute strategies to perform her/his own interpersonal communication. Make informed observations and evaluations of his/her own interpersonal communication and that of others. Indicate empathy with others in a variety of interpersonal communication contexts. Course Requirements See Course Schedule for complete requirements and due dates. Below is an overview of the major assignments and their points. Assignments Johari Window 5 points Journals (6 @10 points each) 60 (weeks 2,3,4,5,6,7) Quizzes (3) 45 (estimate) Team Project 50 (all team members do not necessarily receive the same grade) Essay 50 Journal Article Summary 15 Final Exam 50 Misc Homework 25 (estimate) Total 300 (estimate) Grading/Evaluation Students will be evaluated using a variety of methods, including quizzes, exams, oral reports, outlines, class discussion and activities. Late assignments may not be accepted. Incomplete assignments will not be graded. Each assignment will be assigned points. The points can be translated into the letter grades on the scale below. 90-100 of points A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 60 Note that points at the upper and lower ends of the ranges will receive a or - Attendance and Make Up Work Attendance is required and expected. If you have a legitimate reason to be absent, then please notify the instructor. Points for class activities generally cannot be made up. However, if you miss a Quiz, or any other major assignment, you need to speak to the instructor. Get to class on time and plan to stay the