Education and Counter Argument Paragraph Essay

Submitted By TianhaoQian1
Words: 328
Pages: 2

In the introduction paragraph, you clearly generalized what kinds of elementary skills could be learned in school, the phenomenon you listed are strong examples, which you should definitely keep in your final essay. In your second body paragraph you talked the lesion learned outside the classroom, which is an elementary skill that children would learn in schools. I like your arguments, but it seems like this part is a little bit off topic. Back to your enthymeme, you said, “Children Learn life skills in grade school because school teaches children how to interact with everyday situation”, I think the idea you are trying to point out is school can teach children elementary skill, but in your essay you didn't mention how this acquisition related to school. If somebody is on a debate with you, probably they would say if children don't go to school they could learn the street smart better because they would encounter more complicated situations. So my suggestion for this paragraph is to emphasize why school in the best place to learn how to deal with social situations. I do like the comparison between teachers and bosses in the first and fifth paragraph, so if you can also compared bullies you mentioned to somebody else whom children would deal with in the future, your essay will be more convincible. In the counter argument paragraph, I do not suggest you cite for the opposite argument because it provides more evidence that school in not good for children and weakens