This pack of EDU 639 Week 3 Discussion Question 2 Additive vs Subtractive Bilingualism contains:
View the video entitled, Immersion. How accurate or over-dramatized is Moises Education - General Education Additive vs. Subtractive Bilingualism . View the video entitled, Immersion . How accurate (or over-dramatized) is Moises’s story? What might his teacher and principal have done differently in order to capitalize on the strengths of what Moises does know in order to help him “add” English to his knowledge base and succeed in US schools? What is working in terms of ELL education in your school? What is not, and why? Would you consider your school’s approach to be additive or subtractive?
Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings in a thoughtful and substantive manner. You will need to study a lot to keep your grades up, but take one day a week off to relax and regenerate. Approach your learning by immersing yourself in your courses. Talk about the subject to others, look for references to it in the world around you and apply it to your life in general.
This pack of EDU 639 Week 3 Discussion Question 2 Additive vs Subtractive Bilingualism contains:
View the video entitled, Immersion. How accurate or over-dramatized is Moises Education - General Education Additive vs. Subtractive Bilingualism . View the video entitled, Immersion . How accurate (or over-dramatized) is Moises’s story? What might his teacher and principal have done differently in order to capitalize on the strengths of what Moises does know in order to help him “add” English to his knowledge base and succeed in US schools? What is working in terms of ELL education in your school? What is not, and why? Would you consider your school’s approach to be additive or subtractive?