Learning Theory Matrix and Summary
John A. Pustinger
University of Phoenix
Learning Theory Matrix and Summary
Learning theories provide many benefits within the educational arena. The dedicated academic magnet schools derive usefulness from the learning theories as identified within the Learning Theory matrix. As the students enrolled within this school setting are above average in most categories, the utilization of various learning theories provides a framework for creating a learning environment that can accelerate the learning experience while maintaining a balance for sustained learning.
The comparing and contrasting of the various learning theories within the matrix will provide insight into how learning theories affect the learning environment. The transfer and implementation of the learning theories will be identified within the educational setting. This is accomplished through the continuous changes we make to ensure the ongoing grow and improvements within education as a whole. The areas for development within a dedicated academic magnet school. These areas are cognitive information processing, conditioning, constructivist, and social cognitive learning. The comparison and contrasting of these learning theories will provide insight into how the applications are effectively used in education.
Learning theories in Education Education has used several learning theories over the decades. Comparing the theories and haw they effect the educational environment provides moderate insight. Cognitive Information Processing allows educators to differentiate the learning process for students through different stages of the learning cycle. Many of the theories are overlapping and many of the theorist can be seen in the different aspects of the theories themselves. This is seen in Vygotsky's work the Social Development Theory. This theory affords a better understanding based on the Zone of Proximal Development. This theory looks at the different it takes between a learner being able to accomplish the task on his own as compared to having it accomplished with the help of an adult learner (McLeod, 2008). This theory also falls in the constructivist aspect of learning theories. Even though this particular theory falls into this realm of education, Bruner's Cognitive Learning Theory provides three modes of representation. These are Enactive encoding of action-based information stored in memory. Iconic storage of visual images of information. Symbolic the coded information stored as symbols that form a language (McLeod, 2008). This theory provides the foundation for memory. However, it also follow the constructivist views as this aligns with scaffolding (Schunk, 2008). Conditioning also plays an important role in any academic environment. The theory revolves around classical conditioning and its three stages. The stages bring the learner through various points in the learning cycle based on unconditioned stimulus and the result from stage three being a new conditioned response (McLeod, 2008). Operant conditioning provide a different method for student academic achievement. This particular theory can be applied to a student and classroom management. Finally, the Social Cognitive Learning theory provides more in depth knowledge of its application within education. Hull's drive reduction theory are used in the academic magnet as a method for behaviors that result from specific drives such as hunger, thirst, and sexual interests. This also aligns with Albert Bandura social cognitive theory through acquisition of social behaviors where learning occurs in a social context and much of what is learned is gained through observation.
The different components of the learning theory matrix all have very different aspects to them. This can however be used with the educational arena even with the majority of them playing opposite rolls. Within the dedicated academic magnet theme, these theories all