Essay on Econ 1

Submitted By Pasarlay-Najibi
Words: 491
Pages: 2

International Trade Theories
Some of the traditional international theories that support the concept of globalization are the Absolute Advantage Theory and the Comparative Theory. The Absolute Advantage Theory was

Sustainable development enable all governments are working to get sustainable development to let the world getting all best interest in long-term, because the goal of sustainable development is to enable all people in the world to satisfy and enjoy their basic needs with good quality, excluding the life quality of future generations. Within sustainable development, we can observe the protection of local cultures and environment. Sustainable development is able to protect the environment. It’s controlled by governments who put rules and regulations to limit utilizing resources by organizations and factories, so they control on consuming forests, petrol, water etc. Governments recognize the challenges to the attainment of sustainable development, such as balancing and planning in agriculture to enables farmers to enhance the value and productivity of their land, and ensure a property rights as mean to provide sustainable forest management.

However, governments have to provide all best interests for public by balancing the usage of resources, and establish training and research programs to improve the technology such as, agricultural technology to emphasize environment protection. Also they should give studies on consumptions to provide information and statistics about the needs of future generations. Governments should promote publics participation in decision-making for sustainable development, and organization collaboration projects to reduce impacts on the environment, and give lectures to enhance the knowledge of public.

It is very important to know local culture, its laws, language and religion when we do business internationally, or have motives to expand into the global arena. Learning the customs and culture of a foreign country and respect for the other side leads to develop a business relationship. Our personal ethics may differ from person to person but business ethics may have a uniform code of conduct that everyone can follow to work sharing environment. The business ethics values corporate culture is very important to