ECO 316 Week 3 Chapter 13 The Business of Banking Essay

Submitted By licoafricer1977
Words: 396
Pages: 2

In this pack of ECO 316 Week 3 Chapter 13 The Business of Banking you will find the next information:


Multiple Choice Questions

1) In what country were the ten largest banks in the world located during the 1980s and early 1990s?

2) In the mid-1990s to 2000s Japanese banks were experiencing difficulties in which areas?

3) In banking, the spread refers to the difference between the

4) What are the leading financial intermediaries in the United States and most developed countries?

5) Approximately how much in assets did U.S. banks hold in 2006?

6) About what percentage of their financial wealth do households invest in banks?

7) The payments system refers to

8) A balance sheet

9) On a bank's balance sheet, assets are

10) On a bank's balance sheet, liabilities are

11) For a bank, net worth is equal to

12) Which of the following things do banks do with the funds they acquire from savers?

13) Which of the following is NOT a bank liability?

14) Which of the following is a bank liability?

15) The difference between a demand deposit and a NOW account is that

16) A checkable deposit that pays no interest is known as a

17) What is a super-NOW account?

18) Which of the following is a checkable deposit?

19) Unsecured loans between banks are called

20) The interest rate on interbank loans is called the

21) Securities that banks sell and agree to repurchase are known as

22) Which of the following statements