Ebola is the most feared disease yet and will cause severe illness in humans Ebola is a extremely rare infectious disease that is generally fatal marked by fever and severe internal bleeding, the major symptom is bleeding from different parts of your body some other symptoms would be vomiting, stomach pain, chest pain, diarrhea, nausea, and a raised rash along with the decreased function of the liver . Most of the time you just bleed from the eyes but when you near death you start bleeding from other places like the nose, ears, and the rectum. when you lose the important nutrients from bleeding and vomiting It is spread by with direct connection with infected animal or human body fluids by a Ebola Virus and it does not travel through the air so there is no need to worry about getting it through the air, whose normal host species is unknown. So it would be extremely unwise to come in contact with any animal or human that has Ebola because It will most likely be fatal unless you don’t get it treated very early otherwise you have very minimal chance of living. The Ebola virus is believed that it originated in remote villages in central Africa. It is believed to be caused by fruit bats because they transmit fluids to animals and those animals transmit them to humans. generally humans start to show most symptoms either between two or twenty one days and there is no proven cure although they are a range of potential treatments including blood products, immune therapies and drug therapies are currently being evaluated. Plenty of people all around the world are trying to find and create a cure. “Isolation can be voluntary or involuntary. When you have a really sick patient, like someone who has symptoms of Ebola, isolation is just good medical practice. They take care of a person in an isolation room in a hospital and use all kinds of infection control practices and patients usually want that; they submit to that because they want to get better. That's what happens in the vast, vast, vast majority of
cases.”(http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2014/10/03/353487190/hereshowanebolaquarantinework sintheunitedstates, paragraph three) “Only in a handful of cases do you have the possibility of involuntary isolation. From the law's perspective, in order to require someone to be isolated, they would have to have a dangerous contagious disease that's easily transmissible persontoperson and, and this is important, be unable or unwilling to isolate themselves. In other words, they would pose a danger to other people because they would come in contact with