Early Medical Intervention For Children With Congenital Heart Defects
Submitted By TiffanyPhillips1
Words: 382
Pages: 2
Early Medical Intervention for Children with Congenital Heart Defects
Congenital heart defects are usually detected at birth and if not then, by displays from the infant that something is wrong once home from the hospital or at routine well baby visits. An infant will need to be examined by their care provider to confirm that there is a problem. If a problem is detected during the exam, an echocardiogram will need to be done. The echocardiogram will confirm if s a true heart defect is present and what the course of action will be. If a heart defect is detected, many procedures can correct the problem. Once detected and if detected early, usually from birth to six months, babies will do well (Schaaf, 2006).
The intended audiences are those parents with young children. The article gives information to parents about congenital heart defects to let them know that if this should occur in their child, that it is more common then they may think and that they are not alone. The author talks with family who experienced this with their two-year-old daughter. She wants parents to know that children born with congenital heart defects can live normal lives with proper medical intervention (Schaaf, 2006).Through her interviews with medical staff from leading children hospitals in the country, the author relies on their professional expertise as cardiologists to give parents reading this article information concerning congenital heart defects.
The article follows up with our in class required reading on the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular abnormalities within the article that were mentioned were a combined atrial