Sleeper Cells Allegedly Planning Large-Scale Terror Attacks On Mainland America
Submitted By 472908668
Words: 495
Pages: 2
Year 11 EAL Holiday Homework (Term 1)
Topic: Encountering Conflict
Part 1.
Television News ISIS Sleeper Cells Allegedly Planning Large-Scale Terror Attacks On Mainland America
ISIS Sleeper Cells claimed they have the power to act to the mainland of U.S.A and they would use terror attacks toward American Government if necessary.
What type of conflict is it?
Political Conflict
Who is involved?
ISIS terror organisation The Sleeper Cells)
U.S.A Government
What are the consequences of the conflict?
Troopers of United States keep acting towards ISIS and ISIS use terror attacks and hostage killing as threatens and counters.
Has it been resolved?
If so how?
No. 2 sides are still in fire.
Introduction Against this corruption in China
What type of conflict is it?
Political Conflict
Who is involved?
Chinese officials
What are the consequences of the conflict?
Lots of money are spend in the conflict.
Has it been resolved?
If so how?
No. There are still have corruption in China.
Part 2.
Conflicts can have tragic consequences for ordinary people (pages 2 – 4)
Key ideas, quotes + words
Summarise the information in the first column in your own words.
Key idea
Conflict can have tragic consequences for ordinary people.
The innocent suffer most in situations of extreme conflict.
In times of conflict, ordinary people can do extraordinary things.
Extreme conflicts can place ordinary people under unusual pressure provoking and exacerbating conflicts on a personal level, both between and within individuals.
Innocent people are too often become caught up in, and suffer from the effects of, conflicts are not of their own making.
“Fearful, hungry and exhausted, the women are herded like cattle.” – On their (three Britain women captive by Japanese) way to the camp.
“She is set alight and burns to death as the assembled prisoners are forced to