Dull LOC Essay

Submitted By america2015hellyeah
Words: 432
Pages: 2

16 Mar 2015



SUBJECT: Letter of Counseling

1. Investigation has disclosed that your lack of attention to detail has caused many negative impacts to the mission. On your first day back from leave, you failed to identify discrepancies with shipping labels, which delayed a shipment of several aircraft parts by two days. I explained to you how important attention to detail is when inspecting shipping labels for mission critical items. Nonetheless, you kept misreading labels and also placed supply items in the wrong bins after you found out you could not have the day off due to low manning levels. Furthermore, your lack of attention to detail caused a delay for the aircraft mechanics that were fixing a standby aircraft.

2. You are hereby counseled. You failed to meet standards of professional conduct by lack of attention to detail and your poor attitude adversely affected the mission. In the future, you are expected to perform to standards of excellence as described in 36-2618, Section 3.1.4. and local operating instructions. Your conduct is unacceptable and any future misconduct may result in more severe action such as a letter of admonishment or a letter of reprimand.

3. The following information required by the Privacy Act is provided for your information. AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. § 8013. PURPOSE: To obtain any comments or documents you desire to submit (on a voluntary basis) for consideration concerning this action. ROUTINE USES: Provides you an opportunity to submit comments or documents for consideration. If provided, the comments and documents you submit become a part of the action. DISCLOSURE: Your written acknowledgment of