Dreams In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Words: 1049
Pages: 5

Many people have their own dreams. And they work hard to achieve their dream. However, it is not guaranteed to all people to achieve even though they did more hard work than others. John Steinbeck, who is the author of this novel, Of mice and men, get a Nobel prize in 1962. The novel is firstly taking place in Salinas, California, and in novel, the characters are moving to the bunkhouse which is located nearby the first background place. Steinbeck represents that even with hard work, dreams cannot be achieved, as shown through characterization, symbolism, and imagery.

Steinbeck uses George, Lennie, and Crooks’ characterization to represent that dreams cannot be true even with hard-working. Steinbeck described George as small, sharp faces, and strong features on his appearance. And Lennie described as opposite to George, as huge, shapeless faces, large and pale eyes, and walking heavily (2). Also, in novel, there is a character who are representing negative opinion about George and Lennie’s American Dream, called Crooks. Crooks was

In the novel, Steinbeck describes the mice like already dead and useless thing to George, so he threw away in front of Lennie across the pool of the other side, and said Lennie angrily that why did you keep putting this dead mouse (6). Through this evidence of the novel, readers can know that the dead mice are the symbol of Lennie himself, because both the mouse and Lennie are described as useless character in the situation. Also, the mouse was dead, so it can be the one of foreshadows of Lennie’s destiny (Goodreads). Also, the setting of the place was described like great and peaceful place, but through the dead mouse, Steinbeck uses this mouse as symbol of the wrong hope of the dream place which is safe and peaceful (Shmoop Editorial Team). Through explain this, Steinbeck used imagery to describe the setting, the dream of George and Lennie, the circumstance of ranch,