Doge Research Paper
Alejandro Dominguez
Ms. Carwile
Word Count: 913
It's Doge not Dog
The modern day of today has brought us the internet and given us many things, like research of the history, language etc. but something that the internet has brought to us is comedy. There are many sorts of comedy on the web but the type I have researched on is a meme. A meme is a picture with a funny caption and in this case the meme is named Doge, as a meme it is used in a way that changes language, but how does this meme affect the way we speak in social media or in our actual lives?
In the first place this meme is of a doge, doge is a slang term for dog and this dog is a special type of breed that comes from Japan named the Shiba Inu, you use the picture of this dog and use terms with incorrect grammar Such X. Much X. Verry X.(Chen) And this is the way that this "trend" has taken over. Us as humans we adapt to whatever comes to us, we have learned as children how to read and write but the way that the internet has used its power is by trying to ruin our knowledge by simple jokes with pictures of cute animals or funny pictures with terrible spelling.(Understand the Doge) Doge was one of those memes on the internet that used this incorrect spelling to make funny jokes, and people loved it because it was a picture of a cute
dog with funny terms that made no sense. Doge is a very loveable dog that would look appealing to anyone who likes dogs but when these random terms are used around this dog it's a whole different story. There are people who whenever this became a trend people only typed in that way so it was annoying but also affecting the way that people speak over the internet.
Now people say that this dog is innocent and just a funny joke on the internet, it's only on the internet for fun, but there are also people who stand against this and say NO.(Evans) This a bad influence to the public and that it should not be allowed since it changes the way we learn thing.
I have looked up people's opinions and articles that talk about this very subject, but they all have a different response one says memes are funny and cool and entertaining but the other say this is bad for you and you should not be near them at all. It's really hard to tell which is correct since you can tell that people are really speaking this way but you also think no one talks like that, it all happens on the internet it's not just this one meme that does this but many others. Terms that have been shown have now been a daily kind of thing like, “I can't even,” hashtags, “That moment when you..,” etc.
Memes are something that form because people thought it was funny but there title mostly comes as a "tumbler trend"(McCulloch.)if you look to see on tumblr trends are something that come and go which is the same with memes. The doge trend began in 2011 and ended in 2013 so technically this trend ended by 2013 which means that it did not continue and this is no longer a problem so are we truly safe from doge?(Chayka) After 2013 whenever the trend ended there are people on the Internet who continue this trend and take it as if it were still a thing, but now people think of doge as a annoyance and should stop, this is why people say "doge is dead"
people don't even call the animal dogs anymore they call them doge even if the dog is not the shiba inu. The dog is pretty much just stating the mistakes of grammar on one picture of the Doge.(McCulloch)
In conclusion I have recognized that Doge is an internet meme that has been seen all over the internet and made this trend skyrocket for 3 years, now people say that doge is dead because it is overused and something that is annoying to how people type on the internet.(Quiteirregular) And that this meme was or is kind of overused since it was famous on the internet. People thought of doge as just comedy then ratings went down and