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Usually prescribing medication is gratifying, when you see an acute infection get cured or watch someone pain improve. I am sure the oncologist feels great when a patient’s chemotherapy cures his cancer. Medications are abosutely crucial to treating and occasionally curing deseases. So why 96% of patients do not do what their medical doctors recommend, even after paying for recommendation? Most of us, don’t like prescribing pills due to the invasive side effects in the human body. People prefer a safe, natural, noninvasive solution to their problem. The more pills you take, the more potential adverse reactions could be experience by the patient. Here are some examples why. Some medications affect the libido in men, other people are concern of chemical reactions or side effect in the organs such as liver and pancreas, psychological side effect issues such as depression and suicidal thoughts,have a very busy daily scheduled and forget to take their medications. Have you seen commercial of traditional medications such a depression and the potential side effect that are listed in those commercial? Make you wonder, if the medication will harm you more than the benefit. Personally, most medications prescribed in the conventional care seeting just allow people to avoid taking control of their health. Most of the medication prescribed can extend your life, but they won’t make you well. According to doctor Melaine Lane, her patients repeatedly sabotage their best efforts to adopt healthy lifestyles because they just don’t believe they can or deserve to be happy and well. They’re waiting for someone to give them permission, for someone to say, “Yes! You absolutely deserve it!” So until you can give that permission to yourself, I am writing you a prescription: a healthy dose of joy, wellness, inner peace, and satisfaction to be taken as many times a day as needed. Number of refills: infinite. (Melanie Lane, M.D., 2010) As noted in the module about complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM), chich includes relaxation, accupunture, massage therapy, homeopathy, spiritural healing, herbal remedies, chiropractice and aromatherapy. Alternative medicine are used instead of standard medical treatments. Alternative and complementatry medicine does not mean a