The experiment consisted of comparing two DNA samples. The first that of the suspect, and the second from what was supposedly found as evidence at the crime scene. The DNA of the suspect must match that of the evidence, so that it is sure that the murderer is found. The process of the DNA profiling using gel electrophoresis is something tedious, but quite relevant.
The materials that are used in this experiment are, first, the gel mold, the electrophoresis, a micro pippeter and micro pippet tips; a pippeter, a waste beaker, and a disposable pippet. The solutions that are used for this experiment are TAE Buffer solution, and of this is needed about 7.5 mL (50 x concentrate), 382.5 mL of distilled water, and 3 grams of Agarose powder. The procedures are the following: pour distilled water into beaker, and then the Agarose goes into the water.
Steer gently and then place beaker into the microwave for 45 x 7—this because the experimenter has to be certain that the work is being down correctly, for this reason the water must be checked for signs that the water is being cleared not evaporated. The point of putting the beaker, with the distilled water and Agarose in it, is to make the water as clear as can be, make the Agarose disappear.
The water stays in the microwave until this happens, then it is taken out and the water is poured into the gel mold. By this time, the gel mold has been taped on the sides, where the edges are not covered. The water is poured there, then, and then the gel mold is placed onto the electrophoresis. The black stripe will partner up with the black wire and the red with its mate. The DNA has a negative charge and so it is important for the experimenter to know which side is which. The black wire is the negative charge, and so the DNA migrates away from it.
The liquid that will later become the gel stays in the gel mold for about twenty minutes, and then it is ready to be worked with. The gel is ready, then, to be used for the DNA profiling. As the experimenter will do, the pippeter is taken and, with the top pressed on, the experimenter will take the sample of DNA from the samples. Then, very carefully, the experimenter will take the pippeter with the DNA sample and, as gingerly as it can be done, will release the DNA into the gel. The DNA samples is poured carefully into the small holes at the very end of the gel , at the negative side of it.
The lap person must make sure that there are no air bubbles in the mold, for then the bubbles could take the DNA from the path it must take. Then, everything would be ruined. So, the bubbles must be exterminated so that the DNA can travel without encountering any difficulties. The DNA strands travel from the negative side to the positive, and possibly back.
The last part to this procedure is the staining. To make the DNA strands and their pattern, be seen with the naked eye, the gel must be stained with a type of ink that will make the samples clear to see and then one will be able to see if the sample of DNA from the evidence is the same as the suspect’s DNA. The process for this is to take two staining trays and—in one—fill it with a stain called Flash Blue