I Read an article about marketing a new type of learning for students at Distelrath Farms. They have 7 ½ acres of vision and passion for the Academy of Distelrath Farms, an agriculturally immersed private school. “We need a paradigm shift in how we teach teachers and how teacher see themselves. I see teachers as facilitators of learning experiences, guiding students. Kids need to be in the real world learning real things.” Students would be taking care of livestock, building their own classrooms, picking produce and cooking their own lunch, and spending time learning in a more formal manner. Along the way, the kids would learn all the core curriculum required to pass standardized exams and be able to put the information to practical use. Estimated class sizes would be 12 to 16 students aiming to start grades 5-9 classes first and then add K-4 and high schoolers as momentum builds. The first meeting to discuss how to get the Academy in motion took place September 4, 2014 at the farm with about 25 people attending. Several roles need to be filled in order to make this vision happen but the board of directors believe that it can happen. Timeline for the first Academy of Distrelrath Farms is fall of 2016.
This is their advertisement for school
Through growing their own food, students become entwined with the practical application of their academic studies; counting and measuring, researching and recording data, cell reproduction and energy use. They are also physically active, tending to garden beds and sawing boards, not to mention breathing fresh air and soaking in Vitamin D. In addition, as students see the tangible results of their efforts, general respect, overall discipline, and personal confidence all rise. And that’s just what we see at school...
Students work with our staff to run an after-school Farm Stand. This is legitimate business training, honing skills in sales, marketing,