Discrimination and Equal Treatment Essay

Submitted By JAS11
Words: 483
Pages: 2

By diversity we mean that everyone is different in their own right, and should be respected for who they are irrespective of any "differences" they may have.
By equality we mean that everyone is equal and should be treated the same regardless of their colour, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability etc, Treating people equally is different to treating people the same, different people have different needs, therefore individuality should be taken into account. It would not be equal treatment to provide two people who spoke different languages with the same information written in English. To be equal treatment would be to provide the same information to each party in a dialect that each individual understood.
Staff in care settings must value diversity and must not give favourable treatment to certain groups of people at the expense of those to whom they hold prejudices against.
Discrimination is when a person may have prejudicial views about someone which could be because of a persons disability, age, gender, cultural background etc.
Inclusion is the broader society accepting people for their age, gender, disability etc so that everyone is treated equally.
Discrimination may occur in the work place either deliberately or inadvertently, for example, by calling someone by a deroggatory term based on their age, religion or race. Someone may be called a 'Paki' when they should be refferred to as a Pakistani person. In Britain this can be quite a common practice, especially in the older community due to the upbringing and general culture they have been accustomed to.
Practices that support equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination as they show that everyone is equal in their own right and should be treated as such.

Work in an inclusive way, and, when and how to access information relating to diversity, equality and inclusion.

Legislation that applies to my own role includes DDA 2005, Race Relations Amendment Act 2000, Human Rights Act 1998, Sex Discrimination