Discipline Toddlers Essay

Submitted By tworiversak
Words: 509
Pages: 3


Toddlerhood is a time when children begin learning their limitations and self-control. As children get older they begin to exhibit a behavior known as negativism. This is usually noted by a child using the word “NO” or “MINE” as often as possible. As frustrating as this stage can be, it is important to realize that a child is trying to assert themselves with this behavior. Disciplinary interventions are necessary to ensure the toddler’s safety, limit aggression, and prevent destructive behavior, Paediatr Child Health. (2004).
Many parents have a tough time with discipline beginning at this age. While there are many different styles of parenting, any parent can use the same techniques to help get through this stage. One way to help is for a parent to reduce the number of times that they are using the word “no”. The more a child hears it, the more likely they will want to use it. Toddlers love to imitate. Most parents find it more successful to teach a child what to do rather than what not to do. It may help to think of behavior problems as opportunities to teach your child new skills. After all, the word discipline comes from the word disciple, which means "to teach." Oesterreich(1993)
Another great technique is redirection, this means to give a child another choice of alternatives to do. An example of good redirection would be if a child is throwing wooden blocks, redirecting the child to throw a soft ball instead. By redirecting the activity into a more acceptable situation, you let children know you accept them and their play, and you channel a problem activity into a more acceptable activity.
Natural consequences and logical consequences are a technique that is often used, A natural consequences is one such as if a child refuses to eat, he will get hungry. Natural consequences occur without any parental intervention. A logical consequence would be if he throws all of his food on the floor, he will have to clean it up. This technique teaches a child that there are outcomes for their actions and the child can learn to prevent the