Psychoanalytic group therapy is a form of model that includes two or more clients working through with one or two therapists. In this model, it explains more on the understanding of individual’s psychic in the group that has been form. Apart from that, the outcome can be seen clearly in groups as it has been revealed during the session through the here and now method (Garland, 2010). Therefore it is commonly used to treat patient with depression. For instance it involves helping client to recall back on their past experience and to acknowledge the unresolved matters.
To form and sustain a group, few stages are required so that people will be able to see the progress as it goes on during the session. It might be seen as the long-winded method The advantage of this method is to build rapport and receive interpersonal feedback from one another. In addition, member will be able to gain skills and ways on how to focus on their goals, explore areas that need to be highlight on, encouragement from others and so on (West, Richard, and Lynn H. Turner, 2008).
Last but not least, this model do have its own benefit and limitation. From how it was seen, members can learn something new even when they talk less but listen carefully to what others have to say. Besides that, member may bring up issues that might relate to what others have to say that sometimes it does not bring courage to them to say it out.
Firstly, the limitation of group therapy is free association and transference. In free association, group members are allow to say what comes to their mind without censorship but in other words, although they are encourage to speak their mind, still some patient might not be able to take the pain of expressing those painful thoughts during free association. Another limitation is that transference can cause problem in a way that if member refused to disclose information and insist to stay mum, that might cause them to have trust issue towards the therapist or the group members (American Psychoanalytic Association,