Diptheria: Respiratory System and Prevention Preventing Diphtheria Essay

Submitted By mikedelo
Words: 1323
Pages: 6

Diphtheria is caused by the bacterium corynebacterium diphtheria. The germ produces a toxin that can harm or destroy human body tissues and organs. These are different types of Diphtheria which effects on different way in a body. Some effects on throat, and tonsils where others effects on ulcers on the skin. Most of the time Diphtheria attacks on children who have not exposed to vaccine. Diphtheria tends to occur during colder climate. In 2000, 30000causes a3000 deaths of Diphtheria are a bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract. Since we have immunization for Diphtheria you hardly see people having this disease in United States and Europe. But still with countries where they don’t have immunization they have way more chances to have Diphtheria. It is potentially fatal disease with an estimated 5-10% family rate. In children under 5 and adults over 40 the fatality rate may sometimes reach 20%. Diphtheria is transmitted from person to person through close physical and respiratory contact. It can also cause infection of the nasupharynx, which may lead to breathing difficulties and death. Diphtheria disease is found in nose, mouth, and throat.
Symptoms and signs
 A sore throat and hoarseness
 Painful swallowing
 Swollen glands in the neck
 A thick, gray membrane covering your throat and tonsils
 Difficulty breathing or rapid breathing
 Nasal discharge
 Fever and chills
 Malaise
 Loss of appetite
 Bloody watery drainage from nose
 Drooling
 Painful swallowing

You can get contaminated with personal items. People occasionally catch diphtheria from handling an infected person’s used tissues. Drinking from the person’s unwashed glass, or coming into similarly close contact with other items on which bacteria laden secretions may be deposited. Also, in some cases diphtheria spreads on shared household items such as towels or toys. People who have been infected by the diphtheria bacteria and who haven’t been treated can infect nonimmunized people for up to six weeks-even if they don’t show any symptoms.
Skin diphtheria is another type of diphtheria. The skin causing the typical pain, redness and welling associated with other bacterial skin infections. Also ulcers may develop in cutaneous diphtheria. It is also in United States this skin diphtheria occurs in the poor hygiene that live in crowded conditions. Sometimes it also affects the eye. (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/diphtherial/DS00495/DSECTION=symptoms)
Causes of Diphtheria
When an infected person’s sneeze or cough release a mist of contaminated droplets, people near may be inhale c. diphtheria. It is very easy to spread Diphtheria in crowded conditions. There are causes of Diphtheria. There are some of complications of Diphtheria. In the beginning of few weeks they may develop abnormal heartbeats, which can result in heart failure. Some may experience inflammation of the heart muscle and valves. The most severe complication of diphtheria is respiratory obstruction followed by death.
Bacteria most commonly infect your nose and throat. The throat infection causes a gray to black, tough, fiber like covering, which can block your airways. Skin lessions can be caused if diphtheria infects your skin. Once it is infected, the bacteria makes dangerous substance called toxins and once that spread through bloodstream and to other organs, such as heart and brain it causes damage. Risk factor of diphtheria includes crowded environment, poor hygiene, and lack of immunization. (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/diphtheria/ DS00495/DSECTION=causes)
Diphtheria patients are usually kept in the isolation for 48 hours after the antibiotic treatment begins. The disease is usually not being able to spread after the patient has been on antibiotics for 48 hours. After the course of antibiotic treatment is finished, the doctor will run tests to