Diploma of Management - Assessment 1: Continuous Improvment Essay

Submitted By justanotherdylan
Words: 483
Pages: 2

Assessment One: Continuous Improvement

1. How can an organisation’s continuous improvement processes be communicated to all stakeholders and how can individuals and teams be encouraged and supported to embrace it?
An organisations continuous improvements can be communicated to all stakeholders via ways like meetings (both group and one on one), performance reviews, verbal and written reports, emails and other forms of communications, notice boards, other physical and online, in knowledge systems and data bases and by directly speaking with the stakeholders.
Individuals and teams can be encouraged to embrace it by ensuring that you provide them with feedback about their work and any improvement incentives are clearly explained and upheld will help with the motivation of the stakeholders continuous strive for improvement, if stakeholders are left in the dark about the their progress they have no incentive strive for, or push for improvement; but informing employees of the differences and improvements they are making will more likely encourage improvement from them and help them want to keep making those continuous improvements.

2. Having made a decision about what to do to improve an organisation’s processes, what should you do to plan for the implementation of that change?
I think after making a decision about how you are going to improve an organisations processes, one of the first things you should do to plan for the implementation of that change is to have strong and effective communication with the employees to inform then and keep them up to date with what is happening, using both informal and formals methods of communication with the stakeholders will ensure that they have a solid understanding of the changes being made, when they are being made and how it will impact them or their team; also what they are expected to do facilitate this change, support and encouragement of the stakeholders will encourage them to be a part of the decision-making process of the change and that is vital to ensure