Essay Digital Learning For The 21st Century Idaho Classroom Final
Submitted By yousef-madi
Words: 947
Pages: 4
Carol L. Scholz ABD
21st Century Classroom
Digital Content Coordinator •
Introductions – Poll Everywhere in action
21st Century Classroom
Research – National – World View – Teaching in a Culture of Change
Survey -Idaho Educators Tech Use and Needs
What’s in the Schoolnet Digital File Cabinet?
21st Century Lesson Planning
Research – Charlotte Danielson & Universal Design for Learning
Digital Learning Day
Teaching the 21st Century Learner Video
Prezi - Free Schoolnet Resources Tour
Educators can use smart phones and the internet to get instant feedback!
Let’s have some fun!
Take out your smart phones and send a text message to
Answer these questions.
1. Who did you predict would win the Super Bowl?
New York Giants
New England Patriots
2. How many years of experience do you have in education?
11- 15
26 + I am an Oracle. Too many to admit to
“Leading 21st Century Schools” by Lynne Schrumm and Barbara B. Levin
Baby Boomers – Born between l940 and l960.
Largest population using technology today.
Viewed only 3 TV channels in black and white
Grew up before personal computers were invented
Gen Xers - Born between l960 – l980
Grew up during the Cold War, Aids, divorce, and a stagnant economy, watched cable TV, taped shows on VCRs, used cassettes, and were approaching middle age when the 21st Century began.
Gen Yers – or Millennials, born l980 – early 2000
Very tech savy, grew up using personal computers, game machines, streaming media, MP3’s and interactive TV.
Most plugged in and connected generation A survey by Junco and Mastrodicasa (2007) :
97% own a computer
94% own a cell phone
76% use instant messaging and social networking
15% of IM users are logged on 24 hr. per day
34% use websites as their primary source of news
28% author a blog
44% read blogs
49% regularly download music and other media
75% have a Facebook account; and
60% own some type of portable music, video device or iPod
Michael Fullan’s (2001) book, “Leading in a Culture of Change,” specifies that understanding change is important for educators and leaders working in our complex and constantly changing environment. We will be challenged!!!
From Barbara Thronson 2011 Letter to Staff
Superintendent of Schools
Richfield School District
Industrial Revolution – Assembly line
Education characterized by a sage on the stage approach to teaching and students sat in rows.
Did You Know? Some Startling Facts
Demographic categories from the Institute of Education Statistics at The top 15 participating districts include; Meridian, Pocatello, Lakeland, Madison,
Lewiston, Idaho Falls, Caldwell, Blackfoot, Post Falls, Jefferson County, Twin Falls,
Boundary County, Vallivue, Lake Pend Oreille and Minidoka Districts
The gender rate of response is 24.8% Male and 75.2% female.
The top five include General Education Elementary Teachers (35.8%), combined percentages of High School Teachers at the HS level including; English, General Education, Mathematics, Science and
Special Education (8%) teachers.
The Schoolnet file cabinet contains;
Student, Class, School, District and State Data
Student Formative and Summative Assessment
Assessment Item Banks
Digital Content Includes;
Free Reviewed/Approved Online Resources-Updated Monthly
Commercial Multimedia Digital Content Fully Integrated and Searchable
According to Content, Standard and Grade
Available to Pilot Districts March 2012 - Statewide July 1, 2012 st 21 Century Classroom Digital Lesson Plan Database
Submission Begins March 31, 2012)