Digestive System Essay

Submitted By sez5053
Words: 1152
Pages: 5

Note: The syllabus lists assigned reading in the text. This material will be covered on exams.
Attendance Policy: Attendance is MANDATORY. If you will miss or have missed a class for any reason, please let me know as soon as possible. Laboratory activities must be made up on the students own time.
Academic Integrity: All students enrolled in this course are expected to follow the code of ethics (listed below) as outlined by Penn State. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner. If academic dishonesty is observed during an exam, the instructor will award the student with a zero for that exam and the student will be asked to leave the classroom.
The following is taken from the Penn State website and should be should be followed in class as well:
Academic integrity is a basic guiding principle for all academic activity at the University, and all members of the community are expected to adhere to this principle. Specifically, academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest, and responsible manner. It includes a commitment not to engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation, or deception. Such acts violate the fundamental ethical principles of the University community and undermine the efforts of others.
Violations of academic integrity are not tolerated at Penn State Erie. Violators will receive academic sanctions and may receive disciplinary sanctions, including the awarding of an XF grade. In cases such as these, an XF grade is recorded on the transcript and states that failure of the course was due to an act of academic dishonesty. All acts of academic dishonesty are recorded so those repeat offenders can be sanctioned accordingly.
Violations of academic integrity include but are not limited to:
CHEATING: Using crib sheets; pre-programming a calculator; using notes or books during a closed book exam.
COPYING ON A TEST: Looking at other unsuspecting students' exams and copying; copying in a complicit manner with another student; exchanging color-coded exams for the purpose of copying; passing answers via notes; discussing answers in exam.
PLAGIARISM: Fabricating information and/or citations; copying from the Internet or submitting the work of others from professional journals, books, articles and papers; submitting other students' papers or lab results or project reports and representing the work as one's own; fabricating, in part or total, submissions and citing them falsely.
ACTS OF AIDING OR ABETTING: Facilitating academically dishonest acts by others; unauthorized collaboration of work; permitting another to copy from exam; writing a paper for another; inappropriately collaborating on home assignments or exams without permission or when prohibited.
UNAUTHORIZED POSSESSION: Buying or stealing exams; failing to return exams on file; selling exams; photocopying exams; any possession of an exam without the faculty member's permission.
SUBMITTING PREVIOUS WORK: Submitting a paper, case study, lab report, or any assignment that had been submitted for credit in a prior class without the knowledge and permission of the instructor.
TAMPERING WITH WORK: Changing one's own or another student's work product such as lab results, papers, or test answers; tampering with work either as a prank or in order to sabotage another's work.
GHOSTING or MISREPRESENTATION: Having another student take a quiz, an exam, or perform an exercise or similar evaluation in one's place.
ALTERING EXAMS: Changing incorrect answers and seeking favorable grade adjustments when instructor returns graded exams for in-class review and subsequently collects them, asserting that the instructor made a mistake in grading. Other forms may include changing the letter and/or the numerical grade on a test.
COMPUTER THEFT: Electronic theft of computer