Difficult People Essay

Words: 982
Pages: 4

Difficult People Analysis

1. In the beginning-part plot outline, Pyotr is a frustrated youth who strives to balance his financial expenditures to that of the amount of his father's low income. The effort to consume father's pension for Pyotr's schooling creates a serious doubt to the financial security of every member in household. Pyotr's father is a disappointment to the family, his anti-social behavior has subdued the family into a state of fear and panic at the harsh tone of his voice. In the middle-part plot outline, Pyotr now fantasizes about the possibility's of leaving the farm and walking the eighty miles North to Moscow. He would establish a capacity for impunity to the family's grief of a missing son. Pyotr will be

Paying the train fare to Moscow and advertising 300 acres of farmland may earn him a hefty fortune, later moving into the city and organizing a promising lifestyle would guarantee years of better living and happier times. Father lacks a greater understanding of the possibilities that would benefit his family.

8. Essentially, Pyotr's mother is a kind and thoughtful person. She lacks the certain authority that motherhood demands, the ability to safegaurd her children when her husband goes into a frenzy, is a must. The mother cooks a respected meal, she deserves a greater voice in the house.

9. Pyotr is the primary victim of his father's abuse. Pyotr adds depth and perception to the story, he has nothing but contempt for his father's attitude. Stagnation in a family built to destruct, Pyotr must leave the house.

10. The tone of voice is eqaully balanced between Pyotr and his father. The mother has little or nothing to say during a mealtime argument. When Pyotr's mother tells her husband "(Pyotr)... must have money for the journey" the argument sets place and very soon Pyotr's father is screaming "Take everything!...Take it all!...Strangle me!" The ability to immediately subdue the conflict by acknowledging the personal fault of sparking the financial debate goes unnoticed.

11. The dialogue delivers reality to the