Differences Between The Management Styles Of Two Distinct National Cultures

Words: 1103
Pages: 5

1. How far have the problems of Dr Barfuss been caused by differences between the management styles of two distinct national cultures? What other factors could be influencing attitudes displayed in the case study?
Austrian Communication
French Communication
Austrian’s enjoy quiet and privacy
French bosses favour a dictatorial and authoritative leadership style
Austrian behaviour in public is usually reserved and formal
French express themselves with more gestures and emphasis
Public displays of affection limited
Public displays of affection emphasised
Personal contact is rare between Barfuss and staff
Legris regularly seen and engaging in jokes
Barfuss not good at social conversation
Very social manager
Decision making now a joint

However, staff have reported unhappiness and Barfuss’ was cited as a contributing factor to an employee leaving, therefore to prevent circumstances deteriorating, M.Giraud should investigate.
The first course of action M.Giraud should take is to send an anonymous questionnaire, to all of Barfuss’ subordinates to ascertain both positive and negative feedback on Barfuss. This should allow M.Giraud to see the personal views of all the subordinates, not just Aznavour, who may have a personal issue with Barfuss which is not shared by fellow employees. Following on from this, a group meeting should be arranged with Barfuss and his subordinates to allow Barfuss to personally discuss feedback from the questionnaire. One of Mullins’s strategies for resolving conflict is ‘Group activities’. A group based discussion about Barfuss and his management style may help to bring to the attention of Barfuss areas he could improve. Then again, Aznavour’s views may be shared by his fellow staff members and these issues can then be identified. Although this meeting may be difficult on the young Barfuss, it is vital to his success as a manager that he understands how to better satisfy his employees and perform his role to the best of his ability.
We can assume that