Did the Election of 1828 Represent a Democratic Revolt of the People? Despite the outcome I fully believe that the election of 1828 did in fact, create a democratic revolt of the people because of the social and political backlash that the election created. The election of Andrew Jackson as President in 1828 marked the beginning of an era known as Jacksonian Democracy or the Age of the Common Man. The changes in politics during Jackson's presidency provided various social and economic changes. Actually, political change began several years before Jackson became president. In the Election of 1824, Jackson had the most popular and electoral votes, but did not win the election. Because the vote was split four ways, he did not have the…show more content… They didn't invite her to parties because they believed she was an adulteress. Most of the cabinet resigned when Jackson tried to force their wives to accept Peggy Eaton. Because of this controversy, Jackson's vice president, John C. Calhoun, resigned and Martin Van Buren was chosen to be the new vice president. Jackson disliked Native Americans and agreed with citizens who wanted to take over lands previously owned by them. Jackson decided to make the Indians leave their homelands and settle west of the Mississippi. In 1830, he signed the Indian Removal Act. This forced thousands of Native Americans to resettle. When Georgia passed laws that required the Cherokees to move to the west, they were challenged in the courts. The court cases were Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and Worcester v. Georgia. In 1838, after Jackson left office, the U.S. army forced the Cherokees to leave Georgia. This was called the "trail of tears." Jackson favored states' rights if it didn't lead to disunion. In 1828, when South Carolina called the Tariff of Abominations unconstitutional, the nullification theory was created, in which each state could declare a federal law null and void. Not only did South Carolina nullify the tariff of 1828, but it also nullified another tariff in 1832. The collection of tariffs within South Carolina was forbidden. Jackson told the secretary of war to