Fashion which was mostly relative to culture has from time immemorial been part of human way of life, but with diversity affecting all spheres of life, fashion has no place to hide than to summit to it also. Fashion from one’s culture has evolved to inculcate new trends from other countries; this has also been made possible by the introduction of fashion magazines from across the globe. The aim of the study is to determine whether fashion has effect on one’s perception of his self esteem and body image, it is also to determine whether fashion and body image affect individual’s interaction and lastly the study was to know the relative or the comparative effect of fashion on both sexes self esteem and body image. From these objectives three (3) hypotheses were derived.
Hypothesis One The hypothesis ‘Fashion is likely to have significant effect on female’s perception of their body image than male’s.
And this was analyzed using the One-Way ANOVA, because the hypothesis compares fashion on female’s perception of their body image to that of male’s and this is represented in the table below.
TABLE 1.0 Summary of Means, Standard Deviations and One-Way ANOVA
Gender N M SD df F sig
Male 50 20.90 3.75 1 .26 .613 Female 50 21.30 4.12 98
It can be observed from the above table that the mean score and standard deviation score of females is higher than that of males [(M=21.30, SD=4.12)>(M = 20.90,SD = 3.75)]. Even though a difference exist between the means and standard deviations of males and females, the f value is not significant [f (1, 98) = 0.26, p=0.63]. Hence the above data shows that the hypothesis is not supported, therefore should be rejected.
This hypothesis ‘There is significant positive correlation between magazine lifestyle and fashion’. The Correlation test was used to analyze this hypothesis; this is because the hypothesis seeks to identify the relationship between magazines read by students and their fashion lifestyle. The results of the analysis are represented in the table below.
Table 2.0 Summary of correlation
From the table 2.0 above it can be observed that there is a positive relationship between the mean score and standard deviation of students who read through magazines and their fashion lifestyle exhibited[(M=18.43, SD=3.59) ≤ (M=19.96, SD= 2.98)]. It also shows a moderate positive correlation between magazines read and fashion lifestyle exhibited (r= 0.34, N= 100, P = 0.00, one tailed). It’s a fairly moderate correlation with 12% of variance experienced. The hypothesis There is significant positive correlation between magazine lifestyle and fashion’ is therefore supported.
The hypothesis ‘females are more likely to