Table of Contents Abstract i List of Figures ii 1. Introduction 1 2. Factor in Diabetics 1 2. 1. Diabetes risk in Women Asian Migrants 1 2. 2. Transitional Nutrition 2 3. Discussion 4 4. Conclusion 5 5. Reference List 6 6. Bibliography 7
List of Figure Figure 1. Median daily intake of Cereal and Cereal Products for persons aged 19 years and over region of birth (median grams per consumer) 2 Figure 2. Median daily intake of Milk Products and Dishes for persons aged 19 years and over region of birth (median grams per consumer) 3 Figure 3. Median daily intake of Snack Foods for persons aged 19 years and over region of birth (median grams per consumer) 3 Figure 4. Median daily intake of Meat, Poultry and Game Products and Dishes for persons aged 19 years and over region of birth (median grams per consumer) 3
The Asian Migrants and other ethnic groups living in Australia is the evidence of lively multiculturalism society. The multiculturalism has brought some impacts on public health in many migrants. Some studied claim that the wave of migrants contribute to the variety of foods in Australia. Yet, some studies explore that migrants’ acculturation might drive them to transitional nutrition. This study revealed that Asian migrant women seemed to change their type of meals and the cooking technique after they arrive in Australia and this situation may imply the shifting of their dietary patterns. In addition, the Asian people has lower incidence Body Mass Index (BMI) than other ethnic groups of which the lower BMI indicate the higher potential risk of obesity. Considering those factors, it appears that changing dietary pattern or transitional nutrition support Asian migrant women to be diabetes patient type 2 and in particular cases like pregnancies, it will lead Asian migrant women to be Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM).
Multiculturalism might cause several public health matters like diabetic. Gallegos and Nasim (2011) claim that the diabetic rates in ethnic groups which birth country is not Australia are higher than Australian citizens due to the changing of migrants’ dietary intake. Some studies related the root of dietary patterns with an acculturation process. However other parties still argue the correlation between acculturation and changing eating habit since there are not enough evidences. Therefore, this study aimed to explore daily activities in assimilation that changing habit intake food of migrants and direct them to be people with diabetes. The study will focus on women Asian migrant in Australia who often has potential risk to diabetic.
Diabetes risk in Asian Migrants Women
Study from Bandyopadhyay et al. (2011) found that women who birth country is from South Asia and Chinese are the highest and the second highest incidence of GDM among other pregnant women in Australia respectively. The GDM are mostly due to type 2 diabetes. The type 2 diabetes is subjected to the body activity and obesity. Regard to World Health Organization (WHO), the obesity could be specified using Body Mass Index (BMI). Asians have lower BMI’s standard than the other ethnic groups. The BMI of Asians is roughly 22.5 kg/m2 (Wahlqist 2002). While other ethnic group’s BMI is equal or more than 30 kg/m2 (World Health Organization 2012). Therefore, little number of weights in Asian people induces them to be more obese than their ethnic counterparts.
Type 2 diabetes in Australia’s Asian women correlates with overweight or over nutrition. It appear due to their eating habit that often lacked intake of legume and fish, however they have larger intake of trans-fatty acids products for example full cream milk, biscuits, meat, sweet breads, cakes and chocolates (Gallegos & Nasim 2011). Those products are common meals in Australia and other Western community like United States, Europe and Australia in which of foods are quite