Development Reflection Paper-II
BSNS6411-Personal &HR Development
July 16 2012
All lot of studies and analysis has been provided whether women excel men at workplace, lot of ink has been spilled on the question as do men and women have different leadership styles. Studies indicate, women are basically intuitive which is considered an excellent trait to determine underlying business problems they are very communicative which makes them more conductive to the team and project management, they are able to multitask several roles very efficiently. Firms with more women on their boards “outperform their rivals with a 42% higher return on sales, 66% higher return on invested capital and 53% higher return on equity.” Other research has found that teams which involve women are more intelligent than teams made up of men alone. Even though have having such innovative traits women tend to loose on visionary skills, a study demonstrated women are considered more detailed-oriented, interactive and diligent, they did not seem to have high score on visionary skills. Women are routinely undervalued and assumed to lack competence. Successful men don’t have to worry about when and if to become parents; successful women do. Men earn more and are promoted more. The major factor for most of the women is handling work/life issues.
Motherhood remains a career liability for women, while fatherhood is actually a career asset. Women are still doing most of the child care and handle work pressures than the men counterparts. In wall street journal in 1986 discussed on growth of corporate women, barriers women face in attaining higher position or salaries termed as “glass-ceiling concept”. In 2002 male CEO of a nonprofit organization earned $ 147,085 while their female counterpart earned $98,108. Where is the equal pay act ? I remembered seeing this wonderful movie, British film “Made in Dagenham”, It tells how 187 car-seat cover machinists challenged the accepted norm and took industrial action in the battle to get their work recognized as skilled and equal to their male colleagues.
Many companies don't track how many women participate in high-potential programs, which also adds to this problem. The bottom line is that women are just as capable as men. I say companies need to pay attention to all leadership development programs and make sure gender stereotypes don’t get in the way of advancing women.
On to my next issue about increased dependency on Laptop, cell phones and PDS hurt employee productivity. I feel this is a subject which needs a sensitive attention, after the debate in the class there can be both pro and