Development Index: Serbia HDI(Human Development Index)
Country Rank overall: 77
Value overall: 0.745
Country Rank and Value of Countries Above and Below Jordan Rank: 77 Value: 0.745 & Brazil Rank: 79
Value: 0.744
Life expectancy Rank: 74.1
Literacy Rank: 63 out of 194 with a literacy rate of 98%
GDP Per Capita Rank: 10,800 HPI1 (Human Poverty Index)
Rank Overall7
Value 3.1
Value and rank of Montenegro rank 8value3.1
Value and rank of uruguayrank6value3
Survival Rank: 65
Literacy Rank: 58, only 2.1 percent of the country is illiterate
Water Rank: NA
UnderWeight child rank: 112 GDI (gender index development index)
Rank Unrecognizable
Value Unrecognizable Value0.842 Rank130 =jordan
Value unrecognizable Rank unrecognizable=brazil(below) LIfe expect woman 76.9 man 71.3
LIteracy Rank: 58
Primary 114 GER(gross enrollment rank)
Secondary 92 GER
Tertiary 52 GER By looking at all the numbers listed above for Serbia, these numbers compare to the united states in many ways. Serbia’s HDI compared to all the countries in the world is ranked 77, while the US is ranked 5th. The us has a higher Life expectancy, mean years of schooling and Gender inequality index. Which are all very important factors in a high HDI. The US has a overall value of 0.914, while Serbia has a overall value of
0.745, based on those numbers it’s clear the US is more developed than Serbia. The us is almost at the highest HDI possible (1), while
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN FAMILY BUSINESSES IN SERBIA PhD Katarina Djulic, Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration, MSc Tanja Kuzman, Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration PhD Katarina Djulic is Assistant Professor at FEFA on subjects of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance. She also works as Senior Consultant in KPMG Serbia. She worked as an Associate Operations Officer at the International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group, on the Corporate Governance…
Standards Codification (from American Accounting Association webpage) 5. Search on 360-10 and 360-20 (or access via topical drop down menu) Case 10-2 Eagle Impairment Loss Eagle Company (Eagle) is a manufacturing company with operations in Italy and Serbia. Eagle in Italy: In addition to other assets, Eagle owns and operates a commercial building in Italy that is carried at its cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. The building represents a cash-generating unit…
event in particular, the Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand was murdered in Sarajevo, Bosnia on the Latin Bridge. The assassination stirred up conflict in Europe. Serbia was blamed for the attacked of the Archduke. It was said that he was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. Anger by the death of the Archduke, Austria attacked Serbia and the war began. However, many had/have wondered what the causes of the war were. It’ll be easy to say that this one thing was the cause, but that was not the case…
ROMA IN SERBIA: DISCRIMINATION AND INTEGRATION OF A MINORITY GROUP According to statistics, every third citizen in Serbia is not of Serbian nationality. It is a multicultural society and is not defined as a national state of any nation. The Constitution of FR Yugoslavia defines the country as a “democratic state of all citizens who live in it”. The Constitution generally defines the rights of minorities as the rights to preservation, development and the expression of ethnic, linguistic and other…
The outbreak of a succession of hostile conflicts between various powers that boiled over into World War I The Allied Powers (a.k.a. The Triple Entente) 1. Main= England, France, Russia 2. Italy joined this side in 1915 3. Other powers who joined: Serbia, Rumania, Greece, Japan, & U.S. (Prof H-P’s father recalls…) The triple Alliance (a.k.a. the Central Powers) 1. Main = German, Austria-Hungary, & Italy (till 1915) 2. Other powers who joined: Bulgaria & Ottoman Empire II. The War Itself: An Analysis…
religion, class, regional or factions of a political movement.! ! Individuals and groups in relation to! • Liberalism: parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties. They believed the role of the government was to protect the rights of free elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion…
governments that could end internal tolls, build national railroads, and support new industries. Camillo Cavour for the Italian state of Sardinia and Otto von Bismarck for the German state of Prussia. Both men skillfully combined strong internal developments of their respective states with opportunistic diplomacy and warfare to unify Italy and Germany by 1871. Both nations would also strive to industrialize in the latter 1800's. Germany proved especially successful in this endeavor. However, the…
paper industries. German firms had cornered 90 percent of the market for dye stuffs and also led in the development of photographic plates and film. b. New energy sources Thomas Edison & Joseph Swan- light bulb Alexander Graham Bell- telephone Gugielmo Macrconi- radio waves across the Atlantic Electric railway in Berlin c. New industrial frontiers d. Employment opportunities for women 4. Development of the automobile G. Dainter- key inventor of the automobile 5. Cartels gnp that works together to fix…
motives for going to war in 1914? A. Plan of Investigation The investigation examines Germany during the years of 1870-1914, in order to understand its motives and reasons for going to war in 1914. This will be achieved by looking at the development of the German economy, its military, its foreign policy and political situation at home, as well as important events in the nation’s recent history such as her alliances, crisis and puny wars that may have caused it to enter the conflict. Two…
individuals take? Rwandan Key Players Interhamwe Means ‘those who stand together’ Civilian militia group organised by MRND party members Instigated violence against Tutsis and political opponents. National Revolutionary Movement for Development (MRND) Political party created by Habyarimana Hutu extremists within MRND played large role in organising genocide Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR) Hutu FAR defended Rwanda against RPF invasion FAR soldiers took part in massacres of Tutsis Rwandan…