-by going to the capitol the president was putting his reputation on the line. Only way to get 50 votes.
Lobbyist tried to kill the bill. They were mini-alumni associations, all friends. Everybody knew everybody. Lobbists paid off congressmen “stuffing checks in their pockets. ”
PACKWOOD- unpredictable. Advocate of using income tax to give incentives to private industry, promote social action. “packwood plan”
Bright, undisciplined mind, bulldog nature, refused to lose, took risks.
Packwood’s change: 189
- Institutional responsibility to approve tax reform bill, despite personal inclinations to oppose it
- He was up for reelection. Avoid anything to jeopardize his chances.
- Obligation to his party to not drop tax reform ball
Shark frenzy?
- Packwood wanted to buy tax reform by pleasing his members with giveaways
Radical approach-
Taking hundreds of billions of dollars out of the pockets of those who made use of tax loopholes and gives them to everyone else. Biggest loophole closing package in history.
Appealed bc it was Real reform. Rate as low as 25% - Washington appeal.
If rates were that low, people would stop caring about their deductions and credits. lower the rate, the less political pressure for tax breaks and more efficient the economy. – packwood appeal
Packwood also liked it bc it was bold. Chairman liked bold stands.
25% idea would never work, suicidal attempt. It was a longshot