Depression: Major Depressive Disorder and et. Al . Essay

Submitted By Ziplog
Words: 2773
Pages: 12


A repost considering various aspects of a health disorder: Depression


A repost considering various aspects of a health disorder: Depression Depression causes a substantial burden of morbidity, disability and mortality. Depression is currently the leading cause of nonfatal disability in Australia with less than 50% receiving medical care (Beyond Blue, 2006). Depression costs the Australian economy $3.3 billion in lost productivity each year (Beyond Blue, 2006). Six million working days are lost with another 12 million days of reduced productivity. Economic studies indicate that each employee with untreated depression and related conditions will cost their organisation nearly $10,000 a year (Beyond Blue, 2006). However the true burden includes the personal suffering and detriment to quality of life including stigma and possible discrimination. Depression impacts not only the individual but also their family, friends, colleagues and society in general. Depression is one of the most common mental health problems in young people (Sane Australia, 2005). The National depression Initiative indicates that there are approximately 100,000 young people living with depression each year (Beyond Blue, 2010). About 20% of people will be affected by depression and 6 % will experience major depression illness (Sane Australia, 2005). The Burden of disease methodology links information at the population level on disease causes and occurrence to short-term and long-term health outcomes including impairment, functional an activity limitations and death (World Development Report, 1993). Furthermore it sets global priorities for health research and assesses global health trends (World Development Report, 1993). The Australian burden of disease study was under taken to assist national and state planning and priority setting for public health, health services and health and medical research (Mathers,, 2001). Mental disorder was the leading cause of years of life lost to disability (YLD) in 1996, accounted for nearly 30% of the nonfatal burden of disease in Australia (Mathers,, 2001). Depression was the leading cause of non fatal disease burden for both males and females accounting for 8% of the total YLD for Australian in 1996 (Mathers,, 2001). Furthermore mental disorders are the third leading cause of overall burden and depression was the fourth leading cause of disease burden in Australia of the total burden (Mathers,, 2001). The major cause of mental disorder for women was affective disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder accounting for 39% of women’s mental ill health disability adjusted life year (DALY) (Mathers,, 2001). This was almost entirely depression (87%). Burden of disease analyses provide a unique perspective on health, one that integrates fatal and non-fatal outcomes (Mathers,, 2001). Research by Mathers, et. al (2001) was the first step towards exploring the usefulness of burden of disease methods for Australia. The top three causes of disease burden in 1990 were pneumonia, diarrheal diseases, and perinatal conditions (ISPN, 2000). In 2020 the top three conditions are projected to be ischemic heart disease, depression, and road traffic accidents (ISPN, 2000). Psychologists need to take a professional interest in the treatment and management for health disorder in particular depression (Black Dog Institute, 2009). Psychologists are specialists in human behaviour, development and functioning (Black Dog Institute, 2009). They have expertise in conducting research and applying research findings in order to reduce distress, address behaviour and psychological problems, and to promote mental health and rational behaviour in individuals and groups (Black Dog Institute, 2009). Depression is considered a serious mental disorder characterised by low mood, apathy, sleep and