Corporate Memos: Write A 300-To 500-Word Analysis: Riordan Manufacturing

Submitted By studymodelloyd
Words: 323
Pages: 2

Corporate Memos

Evaluate the memo using the following criteria:

Writing style
How you reacted to the memo

Write a 300- to 500-word report in which you comment on each of the criteria and make suggestions for improvement.

The Organization in command is Riordan Manufacturing. The objective that they are attempting is to save money by switching to a different shipping company. As the production from the China plant has increased in volume, they are starting to see significant savings can be created by using shipping container companies such as the China Shipping Container Lines, a branch of the China Shipping (Group) Company. Most of the shipping container companies use the ports in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Currently Riordan Manufacturing products are trucked to a port on the Qiantang River and loaded into the containers. The containers are then loaded onto barges that travel to the Shanghai port. The barges dock in Shanghai where they are offloaded and transported where they are loaded onto to the ships that will take them to their final destinations. The way that they are looking into is, they could transport the products by truck to the port at Shanghai where they would be loaded into containers and then directly onto the ships that will be taking them to their final destinations. This way would be cheaper and it makes sense, rather than having to waste fuel and man hours. The main problem that is turning up is, the